5010 South 35th Fort Smith, AR 72903
3409 Elm Springs Road, Springdale, AR 72762
They’re everywhere. But what are they?
The red, orange or tan insects you see around your home or in your yard are actually called Asian lady beetles.
You never really know when they will enter in our area because our weather is so wonky but, they normally show up in the fall months and then again in early spring. They are definitely here now! It's crazy the amount of Facebook posts, phone calls and texts I have received! These beetles leave their summer feeding sites in yards, fields and forests for protected places to spend the winter. Unfortunately, our homes and buildings are one such location. Swarms of lady beetles typically fly to buildings in September though November depending on locale and weather conditions. Beetle flights are heaviest on sunny days following a period of cooler weather, when temperatures return to at least the mid-70s. Consequently, most flight activity occurs in the afternoon and may vary in intensity from one day to the next.
What do they look like?
There isn’t a cookie cutter description of what every Asian lady beetle look like. They could be red with 20 spots, or they could be orange with no spots at all. They resemble other lady beetles, but are typically about 1/3 of an inch long.
So, how do you tell them apart from other insects? Look for an “M” or a “W” marking on their back, near their head.
The colder weather that accompanies fall often signals Asian lady beetles to start
searching for an indoor home, which could be your attic, a wall space, or your own living room in search of "overwintering" sites. You don't want them nesting in your walls. Asian lady beetles are capable of MAJOR infestations. As the sun moves throughout the day, you can find the insects resting in the warm reflections, as they tend to favor sunny sides of rooms or buildings. This is why they favor the West in the afternoon.
Do I Need to Worry?
Well, Asian lady beetles are generally unwelcome, but they don’t put you in any danger. Though Asian lady beetles’ enormous clusters in and around buildings and homes can be an annoyance, they won’t infest wood, eat food or destroy fabrics. They’re also not known for carrying any diseases. However, Asian lady beetles do secrete a yellow-colored liquid from their joints, which can leave a stain on certain surfaces and cause a strong smell, so be careful next time you think about squishing one.
With these beetles, prevention is key! Be sure to seal cracks in doors and windows, brick weep holes, water spigot penetrations, as just a start.
If you are having trouble eliminating these bugs on your own. Please do not hesitate to give Extermco Pest Control a call at 479-783-1822. We offer same day service for these nuisance pests. You can also reach us via email at info@extermco.com
Phone: (479) 783-1822
5010 South 35th Fort Smith, AR 72903
3409 Elm Springs Road, Springdale, AR 72762
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